League of Legends (also called LoL or League) is one of the top video games on the market today. The game was released in 2009 and is a prime example of the longevity that is aspired to in the video game market. It has 80 million active monthly players, League of Legends can often be found in the top five number of viewers on the live streaming platform Twitch, and they sponsor yearly esports competition with a prize pool of 4 million dollars.
One leading contributing factor to the success of League is that the game is free to play. Players can download and play the game with no credit card, or subscription. With the game being free it has a broader reach for people who may want to download the game and try it out, some of those players leave, but a large majority stay and become regular players.
The reason for a player staying and the popularity of the game is it’s competitive and skill-based nature. The skill-based part of the game challenges the player to get better at the game, while the competitive nature compels you to also get better than the other guy. When added to the fact that strategy is an integral part of the game, it becomes the perfect mix of gamer traits and bragging rights appealing to the ego of gamers everywhere.
It is those bragging rights that every League player strives for, and thus another reason for the massive popularity of the video game League of Legends. To know where to
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